In chronic obstructive lung problems are known because resistance in airflow increases and causes obstruction in the walls of lumen. Patient must have had chronic or productive cough that would last for 3 months and then happen it again for at least 2 years or more. Chronic bronchitis is also known as type B COPD or the “blue bloater,” which is diagnosed symptomatically by hypersecretion of bronchial mucus and in R.S.’s clinical findings there is definitely signs of emphysema, airway obstruction is persistent and irreversible. Q2. How would the consequences of the COPD of R.S. (identified in question 1) differ from those of emphysematous COPD?…
Disturbance of airflow cause by build-up of overproduced sputum due to the respiratory tract infection. Keeping Neville’s airway clear so he can feel comfortable. • Talk to Naville and ask him how he is doing and reassure him.…
This congestion is the cause of his shortness of breath. His increased blood…
The pulmonary congestion would be responsible for causing poor gas exchange and pulmonary edema. Signs that can be seen with pulmonary edema are dyspnea,…
Emphysema is the condition in which the alveoli are destroyed due to damaging exposure. Chronic bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. COPD is treatable. People with the condition can control the symptoms by quitting smoking or being around harmful gases. Remission or restoring is possible if they quit smoking before the age of 35.…
Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the airway structures, causing a cough (that lasts three months out of the year for two years), phlegm, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. (Corbridge, S., Wilken, L., Kapella, M. C., & Gronkiewicz, C. 2012) Emphysema is “the destruction of lung tissue in which the walls of the air sacs are destroyed and causes difficulty breathing…
Frequent bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia also can occur. These infections can cause long-term lung damage. In the digestive system mucus can block tubes, or ducts, in your pancreas. These blockages prevent enzymes from reaching your…
COPD is very similar to emphysema because they both limit persons inspiration and expiration (the process of breathing in and out). A normal alveolus has an avascular macrophage that cleans up the alveoli and protects it from diseases or infections and the blood cells will exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide, and there is supposed to be a balance between the antiprotease (build up the protease) and the protease (breakdown alveoli), however, with emphysema there is an imbalance of the antiprotease and protease. The more protease, the more damage there will be and the less protease there is, the less damage will be done to the alveoli. Emphysema and COPD can result in dyspnea ,or shortness of breath (SOB), from the destruction that has been done inside the liver. Other symptoms of emphysema include, but are not limited to, wheezing, which is also a symptom of asthma (inflammatory disease), coughing and discoloration of the skin (epidermis), lips (labia) or nails (onyx).…
The mucus-secreting glands that line the airways of the lungs begin to produce thick, sticky mucus, which clogs the bronchi making it difficult or impossible to breathe, eventually causing lung damage (Jr., Floyd, "Cystic Fibrosis"). Because the mucus lingers in the passageways, the lungs are more susceptible to infections due to mucoid bacteria such as Pseudomona. Medicines that thin mucus, dilate the bronchi, and reduce swelling in the passageways are used to help relieve the effects CF has on the respiratory system When the mucus-secreting glands that line the ducts of the pancreas begin to produce hard, sticky mucus, the ducts also become clogged. This blocks the flow of enzymes needed for digestion and absorption of food, which results in bulky stools, intestinal gas, and the body not obtaining essential nutrients. Oral pancreatic enzymes are prescribed in order to aid in digestion as well as nutrient absorption (“How is Cystic Fibrosis…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. It's caused by smoking cigarettes or long-term exposure to irritating gases or particulate matter. Your lungs are directly affected by COPD, because air travels down your trachea and into your lungs through the bronchi. The bronchi are divided into many smaller tubes or bronchioles that end in clusters of tiny air sacs called alveoli. Your lungs rely on the natural elasticity of the bronchioles and alveoli to force air out of your body.…
Emphysema Emphysema, along with other diseases, is collectively known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This disease damages the alveoli, also known as air sacs. Shortness of breath results as the alveoli are gradually damaged. The leading cause of emphysema is smoking, but this disease can also be caused by long-term exposure to other airborne irritants. Emphysema can be present in the body for years without any symptoms.…
Pathophysiology Q 1.1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the name applied to two related diseases, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is characterised by abnormal inflammatory obstruction of the airways, lung parenchyma, (respiratory bronchioles and alveoli) and pulmonary blood vessels (Brown, 2013). Research shows that COPD is being recognised as an inflammatory disorder of the large and small airways characterized by remodelling and emphysematous changes in the lung parenchyma (Ceylan, 2006). Thereby this represents characteristic and adaptive immune reaction to long term exposure to airborne contaminates and cigarette smoke (MacNee, 2006).…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a lung disease that progresses over the course of time. This term can include several different conditions including chronic bronchitis, refractory asthma, emphysema, and bronchiectasis. COPD prevents the sufferer from breathing as they normally would. Shortness of breath becomes a constant issue and seriously affects the quality of life.…
Asthma is a common nondestructive lung disease that has its greatest effect on children and adults. It requires considerable medical attention and acute episodes may be severe enough to require emergency treatment. Asthma is difficult breathing due to spasm of bronchioles. It is characterized by episodic attacks characterized by forced inhalation and exhalation due to bronchospasm and excess mucous. The patient appears short of breath, produces wheezing sounds, and may be frightened.…
“Psoriasis is a skin disease is an integumentary disease in which skin cells build up and form dry itchy patches.” (Lisk 2016) This disease is considered a systemic inflammatory disorder. “There is no current cure, but treatment is a possibility of help. This such disorder can be lifelong or last just a few years.”…