Christopher Newport University certainly strives to encompass these values, but examining how they appear in reality could somehow contrast. The president of Christopher Newport prizes saying to potential students and parents that “CNU’s professors are unlike the ones at large universities. We have small class sizes, and they will notice when you aren’t there. They will know your name.” This may seem insignificant, especially to someone who does not care if their professor knows them. However, if one is a student at Christopher Newport, they cannot imagine it differently. There is a certain energy between the students and professors at CNU, one of mutual respect and perhaps even admiration. Surely this is not an effect of what the president of the university states in his speeches, but an effect of what occurs between the students and professors in the classroom. The kind of education CNU professors are searching to accomplish is a term called “engaged pedagogy,” which is introduced by author bell …show more content…
Eros is defined by hooks as “a motivating force,” and she likens it to “a quality of care and even ‘love’” (194). This form of passion is present in every classroom according to the theory of holistic education, and understanding eros from the perspective of the students is as equally essential as understanding it from the perspective of educators. When a professor communicates effectively with their students, and accepts the multiple perspectives and desires in the classroom, then they are better equipped to teach their students. At Christopher Newport, there are few classes that ever discuss such personal matters. Many people are hesitant to offend anyone, and it is simpler to ignore the feelings of others if they go undiscussed. If CNU was to adopt a new policy, one of complete openness in the classroom with a promise of security and trust, then perhaps this form of pedagogy could be achieved. In the current world, this is unlikely, but the positive effect it could have on the student population, and the teacher performance as a result, is certainly noteworthy. In this area of education, CNU is on the correct line of thinking to achieve this in time. At the moment, however, relational education on campus could improve dramatically if the correct actions were