General Research Question: Will competition affect resources available in the Campus Lake?
Population Ecology Experiment
Null Hypothesis: The presence of Blue-Green Algae will not have an effect on the Chlamydomonas population.
Alternative Hypothesis: The presence of Blue-Green Algae will have an effect on the Chlamydomonas population.
Community Ecology Experiment
Null Hypothesis: Nitrate concentration will not have an effect on chlorophyll levels in the Campus Lake.
Alternative Hypothesis: Nitrate concentration will have an effect on chlorophyll levels in the Campus Lake.
Population Experiment First, nine test tubes were obtained. One test tube …show more content…
Previous sections of Biology 1209 went to the LSU lakes in fall of 2016 and collected samples from University Lake, Campus Lake, Bayou Lake, and College Lake. From these samples, chlorophyll levels and nitrate concentrations were measured. First, a chlorophyll determination test was done using a Büchner funnel. First a microfiber filter was placed into the Büchner funnel using forceps, then the paper was rinsed with 25 mL dH2O using gentle vacuum pressure. After this, the test tube was mixed and 50ml of the sample was filtered through the Büchner funnel. The filter was then picked up with the forceps and place in an extraction test tube with 10ml of acetone added with the filter. The testable was then stopped to prevent leakage and vortexes for 30 seconds. A Whatman #1 filter was placed in a funnel and the funnel was then placed in a spectrophotometer test tube. The entire extracted sample along with the funnel and filter were added into the spectrophotometer test tube. The spectrophotometer was calibrated using an acetone blank and set at a wavelength of 430nm. The absorbance was then measured to determine the chlorophyll levels within the water sample. After the measurement was taken, all materials were disposed of in their respective marked disposal