She said her grandparents were extremely unhappy with the decisions. In High School Haley excelled with a grade point average that was above a 4.0. She participated in Tennis as a sport. Haley’s mother was a lab technician, and worked a lot of hours. I asked about her father and what he was like. Haley then went on to tell me that he was the manager at the waste treatment facility and that he was an alcoholic. She said he was an absent father and that he didn’t quite drinking until she had gone to college. I asked Haley if he was currently in a treatment program and she said that he never was a part of recovery program and that he had quite on his own. Haley went to Carrol University where her grades took a slight dip to a 3.4 grade point average, which she said was caused by drinking. Haley has a Bachelors in Biology. We talked about her past employment and her current employment, which is currently a case manager. I asked her how she sees herself, this took some coaxing. She described herself as a strong, independent, stubborn, happy, and high energy woman. Hobby wise she likes anything outdoors. She has a dog named Peetah, that she enjoys taking to the dog park. Haley mentioned some boundary …show more content…
Said that most of her college friends moved away after they finished their degrees. Haley’s current hopes are too be accepted into graduate school and be able to offer group and additional mental health/therapy services to clients and residents and to be able to afford to buy a house so I can get four more dogs. Her current fears are financial stability, serial killers, and failure of any sort. Some accomplishments are Honors in Biology for undergraduate degree, gaining trust from clients and residents at work; prioritizing health and exercising regularly - completing 2 half marathons; finding a job that she loves doing. Current living relatives include the parents, regular phone/text conversations, visit every couple months. One brother, minimal communication, she says he is not a big talker and that they don't have a lot in common. Grandparents on mom's side is living and they visit when Haley comes home and they talk at least once month, they differ greatly on belief systems and values leading, it has led to conflict at times. Not close to father’s side other than a couple cousins she talks to every once in a while. Haley is closer to her mom's side and talks to one of the cousins