Solids are anything with definite volume/definite shape. Liquids are substances with definite volume and indefinite shape. Gases are substances with indefinite volume and indefinite shape. Physical properties are things that can be measured or observed without changing the identity of a substance. Physical changes are changes of matter without changing the identity of the substance.…
Adding or reducing either heat, pressure, a reactant, or a product can distrub the balance of a reaction in equilibrium. Le…
“Classifying Chemical Reactions - Lab Report” I - Introduction - Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. In chemistry, chemical and physical changes are used to help scientists understand how different substances react given various circumstances. A chemical change is any change resulting in the formation of a new chemical substance(s). A physical property is any change that does not involve the chemical makeup of a substance at all. In total there are five (5) chemical reactions.…
The purpose of this lab was to determine if a change in mass occurs during a chemical reaction in a closed system. To conduct this experiment, the mass of the test tube, rubber cover, and other materials must be measured. To prevent the test tube from rolling off of the balance, a plastic cup was used to hold it in place, but the group had to remember to zero out the cup on the balance so the cup’s mass will not affect the masses of the objects the group was trying to measure. During this investigation, it was determined that there is a 0% change in mass after a chemical change in a closed system, because the mass of the copper and sulfur before heating did not change after being heated. Although the substances had changed in appearance and could no longer be considered…
Chemistry is an umbrella term that refers to any study of properties, compositions, and reactions occurring between elements at an atomic level. Chemistry exists in many forms: biochemistry, theoretical chemistry, and nanochemistry for instance. One form of chemistry, nuclear chemistry, deals with radioactivity and nuclear processes. The most notable of these processes is transmutation. Transmutation refers to the action that changes an atom of a specific element to a different element, either naturally or artificially.…
Substance dualism is a philosophical position that claims that two kinds of substances constitute reality: mental substances (for example, minds) and physical substances (for example, tables). Philosophers use the word “substance” to denote a fundamental aspect of reality that cannot be broken down further. In other words, substance dualism claims there are two fundamental aspects of reality that are irreducible. Philosophers have argued for the truth of substance dualism in several ways. One type of argument claims that there is a gap between understanding the mind and the brain; these are called explanatory gap arguments.…
Alcohol is the third leading cause of death in the country. Because of Alcohol according to (NCADD) 88,000 lives have been lost. The brain has two types of neurotransmitter, the excitatory and inhibitory. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers , they are brain chemicals that communicates with our brain and body. Excitatory stimulates the electric activity and inhibitory does the exact opposite, it desease it.…
Chemistry is something that people use in everyday life. All the food we eat has to do with chemistry. Food has organic compounds that change when they are cooked. It is used in our everyday life when because you need chemistry to do everything. Stoichiometry is the relationship between the relative quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound.…
Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed. It also involves the properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change. Chemistry is important to life. The environment is composed of many chemicals without identification of chemicals we wouldn’t know what chemicals are safe to have around or which chemicals are harmful and dangerous to our bodies. To answer the enduring question, how do we gain knowledge to understand a chemical system, particularly since we cannot see atoms or molecules?…
My group had been given a specific task to investigate according to the lab manual1. We were employed by the Environmental Protection Agency as chemists. Our task is to identify an unknown compound that was found in a nearby landfill. In this laboratory, the unknown compound was given to us by our TA. The main goal of this experiment was to correctly identify the unknown compound.…
I: Introduction: a. background information- Physical Changes are changes that do not involve a change in molecular structure. They can be identified by a change in size, a change in shape, or a change in the state of matter. Chemical changes are changes that involve the re-arrangement of atoms in the molecule.…
An eraser for example, is an artifact that is changed by humans. The material cause of the eraser would be rubber. Rubber is the raw material that creates the eraser. The formal cause of the eraser is its design. Rubber creates an eraser because of the shape that it takes.…
The ideas and lesson that you pulled out of this story were much different than mine you picked up a lot more. I agree that change is inevitable and there was nothing that he could do about it. He was lost in this new, weird, advanced world with no one but himself until he found his daughter. The only question that I had to ask myself is what do you mean by his attitude being Neutral? It appeared that he really enjoyed life other than his home life with his nagging wife he was just laid back and accepted life as it came.…
Main point: What is Climate Change? According to the Australian Academy of Science, Climate change is define as a change in the statistical properties of the climate system that persists for several decades or longer—usually at least 30 years. The weather that we have or may have is a reflection of our atmosphere and the atmosphere is influenced by the oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets. Together they form the climate system.…
During sublimation, particles of a solid do ot pass through the liquid state as they form a…