Cheetah Research Paper

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Cheetahs can run 60 miles per hour at the top speed. They have an long neck and legs to help them reach top speed. Another characteristic is that they have over 2,000 spots on their coat. The Cheetah is one of the most well known animals in the African region. My research shows that the cheetah has a unique habitat, hunting skills, and an interesting life cycle, making them an intriguing animal.

The Cheetah’s habitat is unique and has many important characteristics which help them survive. They live in many different places such as sub Africa and Southern Algeria. Cheetahs live in grassland so they can hunt and get water from lakes or streams. Some Cheetahs can live up to 10-12 years and the oldest cheetah were 20 years old and cheetahs that
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They hunt an animal from 10 to 30 meters away. They prefer to kill their prey in open spaces. They can't eat their prey after they kill it because they have to cool down. Some of the animals they prey on are Gazelle,Wildebeest. Some of their predators are Human, Lion and Eagle. The Cheetah has a wide range of prey and predators.

Cheetah has a interesting Life cycle.The species is vulnerable form exhibition.They have a lot of habitat loss because of human enrichment.Pus they are already born with black spot on them.When they first hit 2 months old they can open their eyes for the first time and see the wild.There are estimated to be better 7000 and 12000 cheetahs left in the wild in Africa .That is what most of their life cycle is about.

The population of the cheetahs is very low.Thare is over 100,000 cheetah left in the world in 1900 and now there is only 15,000 cheetah left in the world.There are only 12,000 cheetah left in Africa and their biggest threat is habitat loss.There is 33 different types of cheetah speeches in the wild.Cheetah use has 3 to 4 cubs.Another problem why thare population is so low because of illegal wildlife trade.That is what most of their population is

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