From oldest cat to the youngest we have; Cody, he's about 14 years old and was the first cat to ever set foot in our house and has been there for everything and loves to cuddle every night, he’s a black and white short haired, very talkative, and loves milk every morning …show more content…
Overnight the box got turned sideways the open end is facing towards the T.V and at the moment Lil Code is inside the little cardboard box curled up and sleeping. Pam has set foot in the house through the backdoor and started walking to the box she looks inside and sees Lil Code. She then rapidly starts to bat at Lil code waking her up and making her very confused Lil Code runs away to the top of the stairs and hides away from her abusive mother. Pam then sniffs the box and walks away to the kitchen to eat as if nothing happened. Moments later after Pam has left the premises Lil Code has gone back into the box and is now comfortable sleeping again. A bit later after nothing appears to happen I move around and accidentally hit the box and scared her she has ran away for good now. An hour later Cody comes and lays on top of the box nobody seems to look like he is going to challenge him. Cody then leaves and comes to lay on my lap for the time being the box just doesn't equal a warm lap. Cloud has now climbed up on top of the box where cody was he sniffs it and scratches it real quick he is purring so loudly as if saying “this is perfect I will lay here.” He scratches himself then stretches out his legs out and curls back into a