Throughout this paper you will learn about the Cassini orbiter, what it does and is meant to do, about its missions, and how it all started. The Cassini was launched in 1997 from Cape Canaveral, FL. It had to travel 2 billion miles to get to Saturn, which was its destination. The Cassini was powered by a radio-isotope thermal which had nuclear power. A lot of the scientists were worried that it would explode during the launch and cause a nuclear disaster. …show more content…
While the Cassini orbited it found seas and lakes located in Titans North Pole.
I bet your wondering where or who the Cassini was named after! The Cassini was named after Giovanni Domenico Cassini. He was a French-Italian astronaut that discovered the largest gap between Saturn’s rings. The gap was called the “Cassini Division”. The other part of the orbiter called the Huygens was named after Christiaan Huygens. He was a Dutch astronomer who found the Titan (Saturn’s largest moon) in 1655. The purpose of the Huygens was to parachute off of the Cassini orbiter and go explore and send information about the Titan to all of the space agencies. This long-lasting orbiter has had 3 overall missions/extensions. The first extension is called the “Cassini Equinox” and was completed on September 2010. The second extension is called the “Cassini Solstice”. The third extension is called the “Grand Finale” and is going to start later in the year, it is planned to end September 15, 2017 ending the exploration. In order to pay for all of this they collected donations and …show more content…
They found that on Saturn it has some different types of electrical charges. They first thought it was a lightning bolt charge but later did a couple tests and was wrong. It was actually a charge that is very unusual called the ELF signal and found that under it might be an ocean under an icy crust. They are slowly finding little clues that may eventually lead to live on Saturn. The Titan moon as earth-like features for example sand dunes, rain, lakes and a hard surface ground (not liquid or soft). The discovery was made by the Huygens probe and they wonder if there is any chance of living things on that planet. Something they can’t quite figure out yet is what causes the winds to happen in order for Sand dunes to appear. Overall I have learned all the amazing information an orbiter and probe can give. It is a great piece of equipment to discover new lands, it may be a lot of hard work but it is all worth it who knows maybe Saturn will be your next