Sexual Trafficking and Prominent risks
CJS 305
Arizona State University
The article discusses the topic of sexual violence and proximate risks a study done on sex trafficked women in La Merced, Mexico City views the risks. The article discusses about sex trafficking and Mexico red light district being part of a social economic fabricated in the country. The practices, which are prostitution, sex exploitation is inappropriate and intolerable in society. The sex trafficking that is done result in risky physical and mental health their sexual health is affected when participating in this type of practices. The article discuses about sex workers and interviewed semi-structured questionnaire and “13 depth interviews were …show more content…
The violence against women is gender based and affects woman that work the streets in La Merced. The women are forced to work in the brothels and strip clubs for cheap sex this area is located in the red light district. In the worldwide the rates when examining the data it has raised many ethical questions “One out of five women gender based violence” (Laggard, 2005) This can include physical and emotional violence and dowry death or female infanticide is considered for a few “pesos” or money. This are all obstacles that woman in La Merced, Mexico city have to face every day they work in the city of La Merced the unequal justice has been taking place for decades. The human rights of woman are being violated everyday there is not equal rights and it takes away freedom to woman. The country of Mexico has strict laws in the country passed its first law “targeting human trafficking in November 2007”(, 2014) and more legalization have continued to be prominent. Although, there have been laws that have passed in Mexico for strict sex trafficking and prostitution. In the country of Mexico, it is still considered legal under there statues “Prostitution status is Legal Prostitution is decriminalized and regulated at the state level”(, 2014) this means that is the government supervises legal …show more content…
The case studies showed much exploitation of many young women getting caught in sex trafficking. The government for years has been combating sex exploitation but as failed to address the problem. The state official Rosa Roscoe “Human trafficking who have suffered different forms of exploitation through sexual exploitation, forced labor, begging, humiliation, forced marriages and trafficking in organisms” (Orozco, 2014), the state official Roscoe have exposed her self to a lot of dangerous in red lights district. The state official as been addressing the problem for years and have influence many young woman to change their lives into positive ones. The Mexican government “February 2007 the Mexican senate passed the law of prevention and sanction on trafficking” (Kumar, 2008) although the government as passed laws to prevent the sexual exploitation there as not been done enough by the Mexican government. The sexual transmitted diseases have send shock waves to the Mexican economy “Dealing with the perpetrators, as well as, to assist the victims of trafficking” (Kumar, 2008) to prevent the problems research suggested government needs to attack the perpetrators. The sex trafficking and decades that have been occurring as caused many gender violence and disparity to woman. The solution too the problem study claims there needs to be more opportunity