Fuzzy set theory explain this technique to enhance an image of handwritten scripts and for an edge detection of wrist X-ray images. In the case of the contrast enhancement process of an image, the Fuzzy set also seen as a collection of membership functions, where each represents how much degree of corresponding grayscale pixels is possible to be “bright”. In other words, a Fuzzy membership value of the image Fuzzy set can be understood as the degree of brightness of the pixel intensity. This idea is illustrated of Figure 2.16 below. For example, a pixel of gray value 110 has membership value of 0.57 in the “High” fuzzy set and for “Medium” shows membership function of 0.39.
Figure 2.16: Representation …show more content…
In another study of image enhancement arithmetic research based on Fuzzy set and histogram, the use histogram in order to select parameters needed in Fuzzy algorithms. Fuzzy logic-based contrast enhancement was also used for satellite images of ocean, to which they also compared with conventional enhancement techniques such as Histogram Equalization and Adaptive HE, as well as Gray-Level Grouping method. As a result of their study, the modified Fuzzy logic method was well suited for contrast enhancement of low-contrast satellite images of the …show more content…
An MRI scan was performed using a 1.5T Achieva Intera Nova MR system (Philips Healthcare, Guildford, Surrey, UK) with a 16 channel sense knee coil. The knee protocol was standardized to include coronal, axial and proton density weighted turbo spin echo sequence with saturation (250 mm, 3.5 mm slice thickness and 512 matrix) with weighted turbo spin echo sequence (180 mm, 3 slice thickness and 256 matrix). One hundred thirty (130) patients had an MRI scan, either before being seen by medical expert outpatient clinics or after being examined by the medical assistant, if further diagnostic information was