This is the person who should have been the final decision-maker regarding the concert. As the executive director, she is responsible to ensure the successful leadership and management of the organization. In this case, that would be the state fair and the events it is hosting. Being in an executive position means that Hoye was in charge and had command of the event. It also should have been her responsibility to have a risk-management plan in place for things just like inclement weather. Below is the reasons I feel Cynthia Hoye should have made the decision to cancel the concert and evacuate
This is the person who should have been the final decision-maker regarding the concert. As the executive director, she is responsible to ensure the successful leadership and management of the organization. In this case, that would be the state fair and the events it is hosting. Being in an executive position means that Hoye was in charge and had command of the event. It also should have been her responsibility to have a risk-management plan in place for things just like inclement weather. Below is the reasons I feel Cynthia Hoye should have made the decision to cancel the concert and evacuate