Many of these Americans do not even know that they are fighting for the Devil, they instead have been brainwashed and reduced to little more than rats.
When her devious words and letters failed to get her prohibition and temperance, she began to use violence, the trademark of the Devil and Communists, to further her convictions. It is said that the rocks her and her minions throw are made from the molten found in the inner ring of the 7th Hell by Lucifer himself. It is also said that she is 6 feet tall because she is a man, which is why her daughter, Charlien, is thought to have been stolen from a small rural family in rural Canada.
After killing her first husband, Charles Gloyd, Nation entrapped David Nation, a man nearly a score years older than she. Many of her close relatives have speculated that she married him for the fact that he was a preacher and only he could keep her vice at