CAR-ME-GO was the old acronym that was used and Marty knew this when we sent him to Earth but he decided to go the easier route and use CAR-ME-GO to prove a thing was living. A car in not a living things at all. When going through the acronym the only things that a car fits in as a living things is organization and nothing else. Cars do not have DNA nor do they grow and develop by themselves. Car can’t reproduce or adapt itself to different environments. Car don’t have cells like all living things. They are made up of varying materials that we have yet to identify but can clearly tell are made from some metals. Marty says that the car showed the use of energy by using some liquid but with some investigation we have found that the liquid doesn’t do anything other than let the vehicle move. Lastly cars don’t respond to stimulus. Again after doing some investigating it was found that another life form is what controls the car. Therefore the one responsible for, what looks like the vehicle responding, is really the other life form controlling the …show more content…
It will respond depending on the environment. The inference of DNA, growth, reproduction, adaption, cells, and energy is not able to be made giving the picture but it is known from past information that icicle don’t have any of these characteristics.
Mushroom (Living) – Mushrooms have every one of the characteristics needed to be a living things based off of the acronym. Mushrooms have DNA and cells that make them what they are. They also show growth and development over a period of observation. They are organized on the sub-cellular level and reproduce given the right environment. Mushrooms adapt, use energy to grow, and respond to stimulus.
Sliding Mineral objects (non-living) - The characteristics that shows that minerals might be a living things are organization, response, growth, and adaption but minerals are not living things. Minerals do grow in the right environment and also adapt to changes that they face. Minerals don’t have DNA or cells. They can’t reproduce sexual or asexual and looking at the picture it doesn’t look like it uses energy though it might depend on the knowledge of the person looking at the