149, 1843). They challenge us to consider what is the added value that humans bring to the workplace and perhaps the world in general (Carlyle, p. 149-150, 1843). Not paying attention to this leads to a working class that feels, and is in fact, inferior (Marx, p. 22, 1844). It will eventually hurt all involved (Marx, p. 22-24, 1844). They both use religious overtones referencing “Hell” (Marx p. 24, 1844) as well as, the consequences of falling prey to these inhumane ideas (Carlyle, p. 36, 1844). The fear of “The terror of ‘Not Succeeding’ of not making money, fame, or some other figure in the world…Is not that a somewhat singular Hell?” that continues to exist in our world today. People continue to think that more money will make them happier. I wonder why after more than one hundred years we still struggle to understand that it does not. This causes us to pause and consider the everyday quotes we still use today such as “for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10) and the popular saying “money can’t buy happiness”. We use these saying very regularly, but still do not embrace their meaning or live by them in our day to day lives. We also have learned nothing from Carlyle’s mention of the working of the “Charitable Establishment” in which …show more content…
22, 1844). The danger associated with the concept of losing the core value of humanity beyond being a laborer. Carlyle alludes to this when he states “Our life is not a mutual helpfulness…that Cash-payment is not the sole relation of human beings…it absolves and liquidates all engagements of man” (Carlyle, p. 146,1843). Marx also speaks to laborers being reduced inevitability to machines is a consequence of capitalism (Marx, p. 26, 1844). It would be like saying the value of working class people in a society are not worthy of receiving kindness, which is the very definition of “humanity” (“As of September 14, 2016, Merriam – Webster listed on its website.) Workers in a capitalistic society are destined to ultimately be destroyed and no longer viewed as a human with equal rights under God’s law (Marx, p. 23-24, 1844). Then and now people are reduced to being seen only as a tool that goes to the repair shop (Cortes, 9 Sept., 2016). The idea that the rich owe nothing more to the poor but the agreed upon wages, no more and no less just like paying for a calculator (Carlyle, p.146-147, 1843). That even their impending death does not entitle them to some kind of help beyond a contract (Carlyle p. 150, 1843). Both theorists have a reflection of religious influences. (Carlyle, p. 24, 1843) (Marx, p. 35, 1844). Both warn us to beware of our actions and falling