In addition to this, a second system provides feedback to the brainstem to compensate for increased muscular activity by increasing cardiac output. The feedback response is a chemical response to a build up of acidic metabolic by-products such as lactic acid, which stimulates chemoreceptors within the muscle and provide feedback, activating the somatic and autonomic systems which maintains a higher arterial blood pressure. Previous studies show that the exercise pressor response causes significant changes to the cardiovascular regulation. Alan and Smirk (1937) were one of the first to suggest this link between exercise and cardiovascular and respiratory response. Followed by a study in 1964 by Nielsen and Donald et al. which showed that the rise in arterial blood pressure in conjunction with muscular contractions is more effective when the circulation through the muscles being contracted is occluded (Coote …show more content…
Prior to the study, the experimental procedures were explained to participants and written informed consent, as well as verbal consent was obtained before beginning the study. In addition to this, the height and weight of the subjects was taken using a harpenden stadiometer (Holtain Ltd) and XX scales (BC-543, Tanita. As well as the circumference of the dominant forearm, at the belly of the muscle using a tape measure and an automatic sphygmomanometer (Medicus) placed around the non dominant arm to obtain their resting blood pressure and heart rate. All subjects undertook a familarisation test whilst in the sitting position with their palms facing downwards and their dominant arm at 45 degrees. One repetition using a hand grip strength dynamometer (T.K.K5001 Grip-A, Takei scientific instruments) which was held for two seconds, followed by a twenty second rest period. Subjects were limited to one familarisation test during the pre trial and maximal voluntary contraction was recorded. All participants were randomized as to whether the control or occlusion test was performed first. The same procedures were used for both the occlusion test and the control test, however the control test required no occlusion of the upper arm during the exercise period. Whereas, during the occlusion test participants required occlusion for the exercise