According to Marx, the impact of Capitalism on the new economic system was obvious in the presence of two different classes in Capitalist society. The proletariats owned literally nothing and were at the bottom of the social ladder. They were driven to rebel by their growing distress. While the bourgeoisie, the owner of the means of …show more content…
Religion acts as a conservative force, in that it maintains the social and economic order through ideological control. Marx said that, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature… It is the opium of the people.” In most religions, people are taught if they suffer in this world, their reward will come in the next. This view stops people from challenging the capitalist system. The idea of afterlife allows people to get false class consciousness and this is a way to abuse working class from Capitalists. Instead of being aware of their exploitation, the working classes see it as God’s will where they passively accept things because they think they will get rewarded in the afterlife. People believe that social inequality is normal and natural and by doing so, they are legitimizing it. This inequality is a clear impact of Capitalism on the society, considering how there still remains a false class consciousness between the classes. Therefore, Religion acts as opiate and a pacifying drug for the classes. It does not solve any problems, but it dulls the pain, not allowing the people to do anything against this status