While afterwards the Vietnamese fell under international pressure and they finally took its army that was stationed in Cambodia. This decision was also made because there was a cut-off in the aid that was being used by the Soviet Union (“peace pledge union”). When the Vietnamese were at the end of their retreat the last group left from Cambodia in 1989 that was also the year that the name was officially restored (“peace pledge union”). When the death count was tallied up 65,000 but only 14,000 were civilians (“peace pledge …show more content…
Some survivors decided to share stories of what occurred while they were there and what they had to deal through. A foreign journalist who was in Phnom Penh at the time, taken to the countryside while there many people were wounded or killed right in front of him (“peace pledge union”). The flow of the wounded going into the hospital was very cramped and tight. There were many people going in and out (“peace pledge union”). There were many stories that he heard of while meeting refugees at a UN camp on the border of Thailand, theses stories involved babies being beaten against trees, adults that were suspected of something clubbed to death or shot (“peace pledge union”). The conditions were very bad and mostly people died of starvation or poor medical