One day, some construction workers decided to build a campsite for kids close to the graveyard and the fishing lake in the forest. A construction worker said that the cabin that they built closest to the graveyard will be cabin number they each didn’t like. They came up with number fifteen. So after they built the whole camping site for kids, the whole place was a huge hit! With kids 7-15. Two years later... two girls complained that strange things were happening in cabin number fifteen, then the construction workers remembered that they built the cabin way too close to the graveyard. The two girls said every time they left with their cabin all tidy and clean they always came back with their cabin all messed up with …show more content…
But after that happened the zombie that was outside started to break the door but there wasn’t one zombie there were all the zombies from the graveyard! And there were like about 100 graves so there were about 100 zombies. The construction workers were scared and frightened and never seen a zombie face-to-face! But they stayed brave. All of a sudden the hard knocking on the door stopped and Andrew the construction worker said ‘’Hey you guys maybe the zombies stopped knocking so we could come closer so they could knock the door down and eat our brains!’’, ‘’You know zombies can’t eat our brains, right, Andrew?’’, said a construction worker named, Alexander, he wasn’t scared of anything even a lion! Then Alexander opened the door and screamed like a little girl and ran back to his bed and covered himself with sheets since he thought he wouldn’t get scared a bit but he was wrong he