Background Information:
Bombardier is the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains. It was founded in 1942 by Joseph-Armand Bombardier and it is focused in making mobility more efficient and sustainable. In 1947, during this time is when Bombardier goes into mass production. In 1969, Bombardier goes in public in the Toronto Stock Exchange. Throughout the years, there were many improvements and expansions that made Bombardier really well-known and by receiving awards. Bombardier continues to expand by making acquisitions. By 2004, L’Auto-Neige Bombardier Limitee launches its new brand to Bombardier and is known worldwide.
It is currently traded in the Toronto …show more content…
In Bombardiers market forecast of 2014 to 2023 for their commercial aircrafts, they forecasted that the airline industry would continue to grow and thrive. In addition, there will be a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from 2005 levels by 2050. However, with the increase of forecasted oil prices, it may be challenging for the airline industry. In conclusion, there are different factors that can affect the forecasted results such as the financial condition of airlines, economic conditions and competition.
Mission Statement:
A mission statement is summary of the company’s goals and value. Bombardier’s mission statement focuses on producing safe and efficient products for their customers and provide a sustained profit for their shareholders. Their official mission statement:
“Our mission is to be the world’s leading manufacturer of planes and trains.
We are committed to providing superior value and service to our customers and sustained profitability to our shareholders by investing in our people and products.
We lead through innovation and outstanding product safety, efficiency and …show more content…
Two Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that Bombardier possess is environmentally and ethical labour practices. Since Bombardier is in the Aerospace and Transportation industry, it is very important because there will be an impact on the environment.Bombardier’s focus is to reduce emissions and be energy efficient. By doing so, it is good for both the company and the society. In addition, Bombardier has a code of ethics to ensure that employees are guided in the right direction and how they are suppose to act within their company and in relation to external