Fortunately, uncle Devin caught a heads-up from a prison guard and arrived in Jimmy’s stairwell seconds before a chronic disability supplanted a persistent itch. He lay to waste three knife-wielding amateurs unaccustomed to dealing with a real Irish gangster brandishing brass knuckles and a loaded gun. So much for salutations! Shortly thereafter, Devin had his own greeting delivered to the Old Colony Correctional Facility.
Hazel-eyes zoomed in to his gluteus and maximus and said, “Hey… need a hand?” She relished seeing him lathered up and dripping wet, but not necessarily on a backwater street in Andrew Square.
He rinsed his eyes and barked, “What’re you doing here?” “Whatever the hell I want. Obviously, you’ve been expecting me.” Her gleaming white teeth performed a clicking sound from chewing neon pink gum. You might get lucky, my