Bullying is use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), and force them to do something against their wish/will. Stating difference of opinion, debating over contentious topic and some confrontations among children is not bullying. The power imbalance which result in more than one children ganging up against one child or targeting a group based on colour, race, culture, etc. is bullying. Children or young people may experience different type of bullying
1.Physical bullying: This involves physical attack or use of physical force to threaten the child or young person. It includes pushing, spitting, shoving, punching, kicking, …show more content…
This is most commonly used by offenders to trap and victimise innocent people.
Cyberstalking- constantly harassing and threatening of physical harm.
4. Verbal bullying: use of words, nasty comments, taunts to upset or tease individual or group of individuals is verbal bullying. It includes verbal assault related to one’s physical appearance, intellect, lifestyle choices, ethnicity, faith/belief or skin colour. The child or young person who bullies others may express hatred, presumption/misconception towards particular group or cover up personal incompetence, low self-esteem to make feel better about oneself.
• Name calling: is persistent reference to physical appearance, accent, distinctive voice characteristics or academic abilities. For e.g. calling someone “Hey Fatty”, “Skinny-Bonney”, “dirty pyjama” etc.
• Passing inappropriate sexual comments or sharing age inappropriate sexual jokes, or passing rumours about sexual orientation for e.g. spreading malicious rumour that ABXC is gay/ homosexual.
• Threatening to harm if the victim tries to complain or not follow the …show more content…
• Understand seriousness of bullying, both physical and emotional
• Identify the procedures to be followed to report bullying easily, records to be maintained to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach or identify patterns of bullying.
• Raises awareness through training. In order to follow the policy principles, identify legal responsibilities and defined actions to resolve and prevent problems. It also helps them identify the support for pupils including those with special needs or disabilities and Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender(LGBT) pupil.
It also includes procedures for:
• Proper supervision and monitoring to ensure all the school activities are kept safe from bullying.
• Procedures for investigating and dealing with bullying behaviour.
• Procedures for noting and reporting bullying behaviour.
• Develops a programme of support for those affected by bullying behaviour and for those involved in bullying behaviour.
• Procedures to work with and through the different local agencies in preventing and tackling all forms of bullying and anti-social behaviour.
It also supports regular evaluation of the effectiveness and updating the school’s anti-bullying