This movie shows the theodicy. God shows up in this movie. He first shows up in the movie is in a completely white house. The white house represents the heaven. From many books or religions pictures, …show more content…
It means that God has all power. He can do what he wants to do. From the movie during Bruce’s God position period, he shows the God’s omnipotence. In one scene in the movie, because Bruce wants to please his girlfriend’s heart one night, he makes the moon brighter and more stars in the sky. Because of his action, he caused a big flood. In another movie clip, he sees a shirt he likes in a clothing store. He wants to have the shirt in the shop, he exchanges the cloth he is wearing and into the shirt displays in the shop’s window. Bruce as the God, he can do everything so easily. Everything is under his control. Just like in the Bible, Adam and Eva were created by God. God created human, he must have super power controls everything in this universe. Even though he as the God has the power, he could not do the things that opposite to the society’s ethics. As a God, his job is to solve people’s problems. If the God do whatever he wants and breaks the society’s order, then the society will be a mess. People will face more problems. He cannot fulfill his mission as the God. Even though God is omnipotence, he should not use his power to do the things that are bad. He should use his omnipotence to help the human