Generally, combination of drugs is depending on the inhalers or inhalation device which comprises of more than one bronchodilator or a bronchodilator and steroid. The combinations with more one bronchodilator are used in both short acting and long acting bronchodilator. The work mechanisms of bronchodilators are different in expanding the air passage and make it easier for flowing of air and combination with steroid act more as a preventive. Beta-2 are used for both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it activate by stimulating receptor called beta-2 receptors in the muscles that line the airways which help the patient to relax and allow the air passage to dilate. Anticholinergics mainly cure the problem of (COPD), it helps in dilate the air passage by blocking the cholinergic nerves. These nerves release chemical that can cause the muscles lining the airways to tighten. Theophylline is available in tablet or capsule form, if a patient’s symptoms are severe then another version called as aminophylline can be given which goes directly into the vien. It helps in reducing any inflammation in the air passage which leads to relaxing the muscles lining of the
Generally, combination of drugs is depending on the inhalers or inhalation device which comprises of more than one bronchodilator or a bronchodilator and steroid. The combinations with more one bronchodilator are used in both short acting and long acting bronchodilator. The work mechanisms of bronchodilators are different in expanding the air passage and make it easier for flowing of air and combination with steroid act more as a preventive. Beta-2 are used for both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it activate by stimulating receptor called beta-2 receptors in the muscles that line the airways which help the patient to relax and allow the air passage to dilate. Anticholinergics mainly cure the problem of (COPD), it helps in dilate the air passage by blocking the cholinergic nerves. These nerves release chemical that can cause the muscles lining the airways to tighten. Theophylline is available in tablet or capsule form, if a patient’s symptoms are severe then another version called as aminophylline can be given which goes directly into the vien. It helps in reducing any inflammation in the air passage which leads to relaxing the muscles lining of the