Bring Back The Firing Squad Analysis

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In a recent opinion editorial, Kari Hong, an assistant professor of law at Boston College and a former criminal defense attorney, argues that instead of lethal injection the United States should us a firing squad as the new way of being put to death. In her article “Bring back the Firing Squad”, she explains that although she is pro-death penalty she is not pro lethal injection. In her opinion a firing squad is more humane than “death cocktails” (Hong). Hong briefly suggest that’s a firing squad is “more honest” making her look as if she is using deontologists thinking, when she should be thinking about the overall wellbeing of everyone affected by the accused (Hong). How does anyone benefit from the brutal murder of a murderer? Although Hong …show more content…
According to Mark Costanzo, the chair of the Department of Social Psychology at Claremont McKenna College, he states that “between 1977 and 1996, California spent more than $1 billion on its death penalty…[and] would cost the state $118 million each year” (Costanzo). If this is what it cost the state to do lethal injection imagine the costs of a firing squad? Hong 's needs to take this into consideration when writing her article. Just because she thinks lethal injection is inhumane doesn 't mean the firing squad is any more beneficial. Costanzo says that “the death penalty is so expensive [because]… trials are more complex and time-consuming” (Costanzo). Inmates can be on death row for up to or over 30 years. This is good example of Ben Franklin’s quote “time is money” and the cost of these trials seems to have no positive affect to anyone involved, they only seem to cause more pain. The longer the trial the more it will cost the state and the more negative effect it could have on the families and friends of the person on trial and the families of the victims. So if you think lethal injection is expensive, a Firing squad would no doubt cost just as much or even …show more content…
Often jails can be worse than death row. One way we can to lessen the atmosphere of violence in society, is that the United States media is swimming with violence from comics to television and the big budget movies. Everywhere you look you see stuff getting more and more violent. We need to take a step back and truly think of what we are ingesting every day. T.V shows such as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead are extremely violent and those three shows just so happen to be three of the most popular shows. A large part of America watches these shows and it may not do anything to most people. But that being said there will always be those impressionable people. That watch these shows and thinks they can do what the character are doing. This can lead to thought of violence, which could lead to the worst penalty the United States has to offer the death penalty. Instead of filling everybody 's lives with these gruesome shows. Instead we need to focus on teaching our children and adults to shy away from the violence. Philip Holloway a former law enforcement officer, prosecutor, and criminal lawyer, talks in his article “Time to Question Sanity of Death Row” about a man named David Zink who was executed, and before his death he gave a statement to his fellow inmates on death row. “For those who remain on death row, understand that everyone is going to die. ...

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