The article I selected began by indicating that “there are more than 120 different types of spinal cord and brain tumors.” (Rothman, “Unraveling the Causes of Brain Tumors”). Additionally, I became surprised by the information because I invariably thought that there was only one type of brain tumor. However, I soon learned that there are benign and malignant brain tumors. Correspondingly, I concluded that my notion of there being one type of tumor derived from me not being exposed to hearing about brain tumors on a quotidian basis. Accordingly, the article then stated that adult tumors and children’s tumors are not …show more content…
Indeed, I felt trepidation because of the word unknown and that word left me wondering how much more research we need to do to lower the risk of being diagnosed with brain tumors. Above all, my trepidation has a bit of fascination with brain tumors because of how non-complex the tumor is. Ultimately, with brain tumors being, within the tumors labyrinthine nature, optimism within me believe that there is a hope for successful research and a