Boy Scouts is where service was implemented deeply into my life. Scouting showed me how to appreciate helping others out and enjoy doing work. Right around the time when I joined the troop, there were a couple of senior scouts trying to get their Eagle Scout. In order to reach this rank, they had to coordinate a service project of their choosing. Other scouts were always asked to help out in these service projects. All throughout my scouting experience service has been a key part of it. There was always help needed, whether it's a Monday night meeting or a campout lasting the weekend. We scouts would always ask the leaders, "What can we do to help?". A second part of scouts that highlights service is the Order of the Arrow. During the weekend …show more content…
My eighth grade religion teacher us a short story about a man who would walk along the sea shore tossing starfish back into the ocean. Although his actions didn't have a large impact, he still did them in kindness. This story encouraged me to look for small instances where I can do something to help. At school doing the dishes is renowned for being one of the worst work study jobs of all. There are always dishes that pile up because of the laziness of the other students. Whenever I go to take care of my dishes, I always help organize the collection racks so there isn't a mess that other people have to deal with. I know that the dish crews appreciate it, but it is such a small thing that regenerates at each meal. Though it is something simple, I hope that people around me notice what I do and follow in