That is so true. There is always two sides of a story, there is always someone else’s thoughts. No one is the same with the same story. You don’t know what they are thinking of. I am a twin yet Blake and I are completely different.
If she heard this laughing why didn’t she tell anyone? This I think is a big thing farther in the story. This is, because if Mr. Radley ever comes out he will know things that happened, he might have been inside a house, but he saw everything. He was still able to watch the fun. …show more content…
I can this older lady doing yard work all the time wearing her old warn down straw hat in her favorite coveralls. It is kind of like my grandma when she was younger. Then once five o'clock rules around everyone can just see this beautiful lady watching the sunset. Harper Lee didn’t need to put that much detail in that sentence, but if she didn’t most people wouldn’t be able to see that