The Blackmore series is a frigid Typic Argiustolls which is of the Mollisol order (National Cooperative Soil Survey 2000). It is found only within the Gallatin County of southwest Montana. Blackmore soils are not very prevalent within southwestern Montana. The exact location of the Blackmore soil type is found specifically 1100 feet south and 1800 feet west of the northeast corner of section 27, T. 2S., R.6E. This area has an elevation of 4,800 to 5,500 feet. This type of soil can be found on relict stream terraces with slopes of approximately 0-15% and hayland (National Cooperative Soil Survey 2000).
II. Soil Forming Factors
The parent material is loess which is a silt-sized soil that was distributed by wind …show more content…
Soil Formation Processes and Properties (2)
The parent material is loess, which means that the soil was deposited into the Gallatin valley by wind. The A horizons are a deep brown color and the darker the soil the more organic matter present. This means that the Blackmore series on average is rich with organic matter and so likely a good soil for agriculture. The lower two horizons contain lime and effervesce. The lime most likely leached through the upper horizons as the soil is well-drained. The parent material most likely contained lime and as time passes the lime will continue to leach into the lower layers raising the soil pH level.
X. Soil Profile Description (Excel Table + Soil Profile)
Blackmore soil has six soil horizons that are very deep and well-drained (National Cooperative Soil Survey 2000).
Horizon Depth CFF MC S Text. SS Type SS Grade HCL pH/EC
Ap 0-6in N/A 10YR 2/1 Silt Loam Granular Moderate No 6.4
AB 6-10in N/A 10YR 2/1 Silt Loam Angular Moderate No 6.6
Bt1 10-15in N/A 10YR 4/3 Silty Clay L. Subang Strong No 6.8
Bt2 15-27in N/A 10YR 4/4 Silty Clay L. Subang Moderate No 7
Bk1 27-42in N/A 10YR 5/4 Silt Loam Subang Weak Yes 8.4
Bk2 42-60in N/A 10YR 4/4 Silt Loam Subang Weak Yes …show more content…
The color is a brown (10YR 5/3) when dry and a dark brown (10YR 4/3) when moist. This horizon also has a very dark grey (10YR 3/1) interfingering of mollic material when moist. The soil structure is strong fine subangular blocky and is hard, firm, somewhat sticky and plastic. There are still a few root fine systems within this horizon. Within this horizon, it is common for there to be clay films present on the peds and lining pores. The soil pH is about neutral, around 6.8. The horizon also has a gradual smooth boundary between the next horizons (National Cooperative Soil Survey 2000).
d. Bt2 horizon
This horizon is about 15-27 inches in depth and is a silty clay loam. It is of a yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) color when dry and a dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) color when moist. The structure is moderate medium subangular blocky and is hard, firm, and somewhat sticky and plastic. This horizon has a few fine roots. The pH is a little bit more basic than the above horizon, but still within the neutral zone at 7.0. This horizon has clay films on the ped faces and in the pores. The boundary is defined and smooth (National Cooperative Soil Survey 2000).
e. Bk1