First Friday at Charles Sumner Post #25
Without the common draw of artifacts with eclectic stories or the experience of stepping back in time, Charles Sumner Post #25 may not seem like much to the avid history buff. However, it teaches an important lesson. To combat our own prejudice and ignorance we must participate in other cultures. By attending cultural events, we as people develop firsthand experiences that we may never have come in contact with if we were to stay within the confines of our own culture. It is through these encounters that we are better able to understand those who differ from us.
While some may argue that they do not feel they should attend the events of other cultures because it is not applicable to them, this perpetuates a cycle of ignorance. Learning about other cultures fosters understanding. In a country riddled by cultural and racial division, conflicts are bound to occur due to misunderstanding. The best way to prevent this is to learn about other cultures. By learning about other cultures, it is easier to comprehend their actions and develop tolerance. When you understand the other side’s perspective it is difficult to justify hatred. Cultural heritage should never be used as a way to justify oppression. Unfortunately, due to ignorance in America it has been. It is only through educating ourselves on other cultures through participating in them that we can combat prejudice. Had the members of the mob in The Garies and Their Friends experienced African American culture, they would not have perceived black people as entirely different from themselves. Finding commonalities that bring different groups of people together produces sympathy. Had the Irish that participated in the mod taken the time to learn about the lives of free blacks in Philedalphia, they would have discovered that, like them, blacks struggled with poverty and unemployment due to factors beyond their control. Although it is speculation, if the members of the mob had attended some form of African American cultural event and taken the time to understand it, it is unlikely they would harbor so much aggression towards black people. However, by not taking the time to appreciate the culture, the members of the mob were able to dehumanize blacks in their minds and justify attacking them. Incidents like this are not confined to the past. They continue to plague America. In many ways, Webb’s novel is a warning against ignorant racism. As a community we must seek to educate ourselves so that our own ignorance does not lead to senseless hate and violence. Although race riots are an extreme, they are still possible. To …show more content…
While most of my education on the subject has come from a high school classroom or reading a textbook, having members of the Kent County African American community enthusiastically explain their own history to me had a different impact. I began to see historical figures such as Fredrick Douglas less as characters in a storybook and more as people. The artifacts laid out on display became more than just material goods; they became a story about somebody’s life. For me, the experience humanized African American history from the Civil War. I have become more empathetic to the historical plight of black people across the nation. If everyone were to experience this, I believe racism would begin to diminish. As a community, we would grow stronger and rise above