Irregular can mean that the timing is off, the cycle skips around, or the bleeding is lighter or heavier than what is considered normal. The causes can range from pregnancy to simple stress or excessive exercise, or it is simply how the woman developed. This appears to leave these women left wandering in a circle. They cannot have intercourse unless it is their ovulation cycle. They do not know when their ovulation cycle occurs because their menstrual cycle is irregular. In order to regulate, they have the option to take birth control. Birth control is looked down upon by the Church. So what is the woman to do? She does have a few options, such as taking the pill anyway despite what the Church says, but knowingly committing a “sin” can have a negative impact on her depending how integrated she is into this faith. She could also leave the Church and stop attending Mass, like John Rock had when “Humanae vitae” was issued. This can be easier said than done, once again, depending on how integrated she is into her faith. So now, due to the Church’s stance on birth control, there are potential women in this position unsure what to do with this situation. This can be due to their own inner conflicts or with poor education about their bodies.
Decent sex education can be difficult to find, even in this modern society. For example, in my middle school sex-ed class, we were taught that women cannot become pregnant from rape because “fear hormones” kill any potential sperm. This is surprisingly a common misconception that is taught to young and impressionable teenagers. There are 32,000 rape-related pregnancies a year according to a 1998 study in Contraception. This just goes to show how uneducated society truly is about sexual intercourse and how the reproductive systems