David was never in control of any of his friendships or relationships so, the creation of “The Toy Box” would give him that complete control and dominance that he was looking for. In the midst of a victim he was able to achieve everything that he could not as a child or his marriages. He was able to have affection in the way he wanted it and indulge in his sexual desires. The selection of his victims were young girls and prostitutes. Based off of his history we can conclude that it is possible that the interest in young girls were from childhood while, the interest in prostitutes possibly came from his first wife. He saw her as dirty and the affair she had as a means of just gaining income. For most lust killers it is hard to fit them in the Trauma Control Model. Unfortunately, for David some entries of the model do not fit for him. David never blocked out anything in his childhood based off of the books and articles by which I read. His predispositional factors were rather general he did not have any head trauma which is normally typically for people experiencing Paraphilia. David was very much rational and not crazy. (Johnson,
David was never in control of any of his friendships or relationships so, the creation of “The Toy Box” would give him that complete control and dominance that he was looking for. In the midst of a victim he was able to achieve everything that he could not as a child or his marriages. He was able to have affection in the way he wanted it and indulge in his sexual desires. The selection of his victims were young girls and prostitutes. Based off of his history we can conclude that it is possible that the interest in young girls were from childhood while, the interest in prostitutes possibly came from his first wife. He saw her as dirty and the affair she had as a means of just gaining income. For most lust killers it is hard to fit them in the Trauma Control Model. Unfortunately, for David some entries of the model do not fit for him. David never blocked out anything in his childhood based off of the books and articles by which I read. His predispositional factors were rather general he did not have any head trauma which is normally typically for people experiencing Paraphilia. David was very much rational and not crazy. (Johnson,