Marie had killed the dead baby but the baby was already dead when she stop to talk to the
baby. Marie sees a dead baby on a street and stops at the dead baby. Marie names the dead
baby, Rose. Marie takes the dead baby home and she starts to talk the dead baby about her
miscarriages and her cheating husband that slept with other women and he got them pregnant.
And the time when she slept with the Dominican Pool Cleaner, who never contacted Marie
back. After a few days of keeping Rose, Marie decided to bury Rose because Rose was starting
to decay and smell. While burying Rose, a man sees Marie burying Rose and claims that she
had killed Rose and used …show more content…
And also people can be afraid of the unknown, the unknown referring
to the thing that people think Marie is.
Another story is “Nineteen Thirty-Seven”, Josephine’s mother was accused of being a witch.
Josephine’s mother trying to escape the massacre in the Dominican Republic, Josephine’s
mother swam in blood and to cross to Haiti. Josephine was born hours after she swam in the
bloody river. Josephine’s mother swan from the Dominican Republic to Haiti because people
were slaughtering the Haitian people. Josephine and her mother would perform rituals at the
Massacre River where the people bodies laid. Josephine’s mother get older and weaker each
year, so Josephine brings her mother a virgin mary statue. After Josephine’s mother dies,
another person that performs the same ritual named Jacqueline, takes Josephine to watch
Josephine’s mother body burn. The women in the story are portrayed as witches. And people
are taught that witches are somewhat associated to the devil and evil. I think people fear these
women because people are taught that witches are bad and no good can come from a witch.
Witches are the devil worshippers and that witches should be killed. This fear can benefit