1. Support detox
Before you jump on the latest trendy juice cleanse, take a look at your water consumption. Proper hydration is required for your natural detox pathways to operate optimally. These pathways includes elimination of waste …show more content…
This is why I think it is extremely important to begin hydrating upon waking. I drink at least 32 ounces of water in the morning before I do anything else. More often than not my “hunger” disappears.
7. Athletic Performance
Your muscle tissue is around 75% water so keeping muscles hydrated during exercise seems like a no-brainer. Even mild hydration can result in a reduction of Vo2 max and and overall strength. Your muscles rely on that ionic balance to fire properly and unimpeded blood flow to receive oxygenated blood. Not to mention that dehydration can lead to a reduction in sweat rate and increase in core temperature, which causes the body to work harder to support vital functions and not your athletic endeavor.
Beyond that, hydration is necessary to lubricate the joints and is helpful for recovery by ensuring nutrients are delivered to the cells post exercise and reducing inflammation. In addition water helps build the structures of protein and glycogen, which are necessary for repair and