I think weed should be legalized because it is not harmful and nobody has died from it. III. Marijuana can be used as medicine because it helps to stimulate apetite and relieve nausea in cancer and AIDS patients and anyone else that endures pain. Transition:…
Marijuana should be legal because of the health benefits and helps save money and gain tax revenue. First of all, marijuana was clinically proven to have positive results for health issues.…
Marijuana should be Legal The legalization of marijuana is a huge topic of debate in our country. I think the main issue with the acceptance of marijuana is each person’s upbringing and lifestyle. Most believe this is a bad drug because that is how we were raised, with little research. My hope is that this information will open your eyes to the facts of marijuana.…
A significant drop in marijuana related arrests would be beneficial. For example, Texas spent $251,641,800 in 2010 enforcing marijuana prohibition. In addition, 53.5% of arrests were from marijuana possession. (Texas) Marijuana legalization would allow for these numbers to drop which would save tax payer dollars and allow law enforcement agencies to focus on other (perhaps more important) issues.…
Synthesis Essay The legalization of marijuana is a conflict that can be seen from many different points of views; from legalization of both recreational and medical reasons to being illegal as a whole. Some may argue that marijuana would ineffectively decrease crime rates in the United States, but statistically this is not the case. Some may also argue that marijuana should not be legalized for the sake of this generation's future, because they would become a “guinea pig generation,” marijuana should most definitely be legalized nationally for both medical and recreational purposes because the drug can promote a better American economy. Statistically, marijuana would not affect any teenagers in high school, and it has been proven that marijuana…
The drug would provide many benefits for the government as well. Legalizing medical marijuana will benefit society because it helps those suffering with depression and anxiety, pain management,…
The use of recreational marijuana should not be legalized in the United States. Not only is marijuana detrimental to a person’s health, it is also a potential addictive drug. Using marijuana can harm a person’s body in more ways than thought possible. According to the National…
Marijuana finds it’s way into almost everyone’s lives at some point. It is a very prominent issue in society today. Should use of marijuana be legalized? Although many people on the opposing side of this debate have made many slanderous claims, statistics and studies have proven them false.…
Marijuana and hemp have been used and cultivated in the United States and other countries for centuries. Hemp was grown for its fibers that can be used to make clothing, ropes, and paper. It can also be used to make an oil which has many purposes such as cooking, and it can be made into fuel. Hemp and marijuana are valuable resources that can be used to replace some the natural resources that are currently being used in daily life. Both plants contain THC which caused the halt in production.…
In United States, the drug laws are doing more harm to its citizens than helping. Legalizing cannabis could benefit the country in many ways. Some ways it could help include; the economy, medicinal purposes, reduce drug problems, and lower crime. To start off, cannabis has been around for thousands of years, and has been consumed all throughout history. With all the new technology in the medical field.…
Benefits of Smoking Marijuana. The benefits of smoking marijuana are endless it provides numerous health benefits, from stopping cancer cells from growing to controlling epileptic seizures. Marijuana isn't all bad as what the media portrays it, many individuals have studied and have gone extreme amounts of research to combat the negative image of marijuana hoping that one day it shall be legalized! Marijuana use can be used to treat and prevent the eye disease glaucoma, which increases pressure in the eyeball, damaging the optic nerve and causing loss of vision.…
Do the benefits of medical marijuana justify its legality? People should not legalize the use of medical marijuana because the public’s knowledge is not sufficient or safe enough to continue its usage, it affects peoples career status, as well as health and social issues. The term medical marijuana refers to treating a disease or symptom with the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts. For thousands of years’ humans have been using substances to alter their state of mind and one of the most commonly used drug in north America is marijuana.…
With marijuana being legal, people will not be arrested and incarcerated for selling and using the substance. This means that spaces in jails will not be taken up; leaving room for more serious criminals. Another benefit of legalizing marijuana is that police offers can spend more of their time looking for more violent criminals. Instead of police using their time taking drug dealers to jail, they can spend their time looking for other criminals who have committed more violent crimes. In three states alone, crime rates have decreased by at least 10%.…
Legalize Marijuana One of the greatest debates across this country right now is the topic of whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is currently legal in some forms in 23 different states. The majority of those states have legalized marijuana strictly for medicinal reasons, while in only four of those states is recreational use of marijuana legal. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is commonly perceived as unattractive and useless to most Americans. They see it as addictive and a gate-way drug.…
To date, the topic of Legalizing Marijuana has been an ongoing issue in society for a long time. However, people still do not know whether marijuana is good for the health or if it simply causes negative effects to the human body. Some believe that using Marijuana will embed side effects to people having red, blurry and bloodshot eyes, slow reaction time, addiction and a lot more. While because of its therapeutic nature, marijuana has on the other hand, been perceived to be beneficial to the treatment of several conditions including: cancer, stimulation of appetite, glaucoma, epilepsy to stop convulsions, and multiple sclerosis to decrease muscle spasms. All of these factors contribute the issue of whether or not the legalization of marijuana…