Within the class room sitting on bottoms, covering your mouth, posture are all expressions of formal behaviors. Laying down, yelling, running through the classroom are examples of relaxed behaviors. It was noticed that boys were allowed to do more relaxed behaviors. Boys are more likely to demand attention, by calling out answers or talking about irrelevant comments which the teacher responds. Shockingly the girls were held to a more formal standard being reprimanded when they did not abide. When a girl called out without raising a hand the teacher would remind them of the rules. Kids can e loud and giggly their focus quickly deterring from one object to the next. Voice is also the most disciplined aspect of a child in school. Young boys are known for being loud and obnoxious so the gendered differences really prevailed in this context. Boys were more likely to be over looked when they were loud as the teacher’s main focus was to control their physical activity. When they were reprimanded for noise it was as groups rarely as an individual. Girls were constantly reminded of their inside voice, being told to repeat a question in their nicer quieter voices. Toning down their voices would essentially tone down their physicality minimizing excitement and
Within the class room sitting on bottoms, covering your mouth, posture are all expressions of formal behaviors. Laying down, yelling, running through the classroom are examples of relaxed behaviors. It was noticed that boys were allowed to do more relaxed behaviors. Boys are more likely to demand attention, by calling out answers or talking about irrelevant comments which the teacher responds. Shockingly the girls were held to a more formal standard being reprimanded when they did not abide. When a girl called out without raising a hand the teacher would remind them of the rules. Kids can e loud and giggly their focus quickly deterring from one object to the next. Voice is also the most disciplined aspect of a child in school. Young boys are known for being loud and obnoxious so the gendered differences really prevailed in this context. Boys were more likely to be over looked when they were loud as the teacher’s main focus was to control their physical activity. When they were reprimanded for noise it was as groups rarely as an individual. Girls were constantly reminded of their inside voice, being told to repeat a question in their nicer quieter voices. Toning down their voices would essentially tone down their physicality minimizing excitement and