Heroin is formed by conversion of morphine which does not require complex equipmentation but more elaborate chemical operation under which morphine is refluxed with acetic anhydride for about 5 hours results into the formation of Diacetyl morphine, i.e., heroin. It is seperated when the solution gets neutralize with sodium carbonate or washing soda in which heroin gets separated as a precipitate. It is collected and purified by treating it with hydrochloric acid by which Heroin hydrochloride salt is obtained.
Heroin is also called as ‘brown sugar’, in maxico just because maxican process does not completely eliminate some gums and pigments from the crude which creates brownish colour, however they have comparatively lower level …show more content…
Barbiturates have acquired tremendous importance in last recent years. They do highly used in medicines to induce sleep and relieving pain. They used as hypnotics. They are used for sucides, more than 50 % of poisoning cases in UK is caused by barbiturates only. Barbiturates are now becoming most common in use because they are easily availabe, low cost and less dangerous.
Barbiturates are also used as ‘truth serum’. The work on the phenomenon of making the subject in semi-consciousness and on this stage anyone can get truthful answer from the subject that’s is why they are called ‘truth serum’.
All barbiturates are derived from barbituric acid. They are formed by the replacement of one H atom from alkyl or arly group and they could also be formed by the replacement of one O atom from between the two N atom by Sulphur. They are also called as ‘barbitones’ or ‘barbitals’ and there names ends with ‘al’ or ‘one’. The common barbiturates are amytal, barbital, seconal, etc.
Barbiturates may be short acting, long acting and intermediate acting. The effect of intermediate acting barbiturates remain till 4 to 10 hours, long lasting action of barbiturates remain for 8 to 24 hours the short acting barbiturates produce effect upto 3 to 4 hours effects also varies upon the individual