The Confederate flag does not represent slavery in any way; it is a representation of southern heritage. There were just as many African Americans fighting for the confederates as there were whites. African Americans were willing to put up the fight for their country; they held this battle flag into war. Many were shot and killed by Lincolns white soldiers. The amount of effort and pride both African Americans and white soldiers put into this war was extraordinary. The Confederate flag has just as much blood and sweat on it from African Americans as it does whites. Both African Americans and white soldiers fought on the Confederate side for freedom neither one has ever experienced. The Confederate flag does not symbolize a race; it symbolizes a country willing to fight together for their freedom. General Lee was one of the generals for the Confederates he never once owned a slave. The war was never even about slaves, the civil war was erupted over sates’ rights. The South was fighting for states’ rights, while the North was fighting that the national government should have more power over the states. To say the confederate flag represents slavery or hatred without knowing the meaning of the flag itself is upsetting. The white on the flag represents peace and honesty. Red represents hardiness, bravery, strength and valor (great courage in the face of danger). Blue …show more content…
It was never a National flag; Americans cannot associate events with certain objects. If the Confederate flag is banned, then all flags should be. During the time the Confederate flag was flown, slavery only was around for 4 years of the flags existence. Americans are saying “oh but the flag shows violence such as the KKK and Aryans that shot African Americans.” Nevertheless, there is violence all around the world, associating violence to a flag because of a few people is not right. If Americans are going to ban the Confederate flag for representing racism and murder, they should ban other flags as well. If Americans associate events with flags, then the American flag represent 87 years of slavery, which 12 presidents owned slaves, the killing of over 500,000 Iraqi children, wars of aggression, Trail of Tears, Americans put Japanese in concentration camps, etc. Another flag is the Islamic flag, which is a huge issue in today’s society. Americans are saying, “You cannot conclude that all Muslims are terrorists.” Meanwhile, America and other countries are getting threats from Isis, which is a hate group like the KKK and the Aryans. How are the Islamic flag and the American flag any different from the Confederate flag? Associating certain events does not represent a flag; those events represent the people who did them. A flag is just a flag nothing more and nothing