The second goal of the Banderas family is geared toward the dad and his children; they should aim to ameliorate developmental regression, but aim to obtain developmental progression. This goal will ensure the success of his three children’s developmental process but also fight against his children moving developmentally backward. The first objective toward this goal is more subject to Antonio. Antonio’s children are enrolled in the Early Head Start (EHS) program within CDR and visits with an EHS family consultant often. It is up to Antonio to influence their success. Objective one: Members of the family will exhibit proactive cooperation in their enrolled EHS program. This program works with and through the parent(s) in order to provide their children health and developmental success. The social worker will assist Antonio and his children in obtaining the first objective with the use of two very specific action steps. The first action step of the family should be to offer the opportunity of the children to become acquainted in socially stimulating environment. Antonio believes that his children are already participating in a socially stimulating environment with himself and his brother, but the children have no interactions with other children. The social worker will validate the closeness and the secure attachment of the children toward their father, but introduce them to the opportunity of enrolling his children in the Developmental Playgroup within the agency, so that the children could interact with children their age, but also development more secure attachments with other trusting adults. The second action step would be for Antonio to follow through with weekly activities given to him and his children by the EHS family consultant. Activities such as grasping objects and placing them into allotted slots of the shapes, learning the difference between up and downs, or demonstrating less versus more. Any activity that the family consultant prescribes should be done throughout the week and have some success with specific concept. Objective two is that the members of the family will exhibit honesty in reporting internal and/or external issues that are being experienced by the family ultimately hindering the family’s success. Objective two …show more content…
Specific objectives and interventions were based on attachment theory. Antonio and his brother’s family have a history of secure attachments in their home country of Honduras. When working with family units as a whole the focus on attachment is integral; Antonio’s children may have two styles of attachment while Antonio has one form. Oliver, Gabriella, and Ana may have avoidant or disorganized with their mother due to their pas history. At this moment in time the focus is establishing and maintaining the secure attachment that they with their father. Antonio can continue to provide them this attachment by not only addressing their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, social needs, and making them feel safe in the world, but addressing their developmental needs is important. Speech, fine motor and gross motor skills, cognitive skills, social emotional skills, can be a determining factor in how these children can establish attachment. Especially the social emotional needs of the children should be monitored when being in a household where their needs are not being met. Basing their objectives and interventions on the closeness of the family and perceiving their thoughts of the entire process of the social worker and vast complexity of the agency can be intimidating. Antonio’s goals reflect attachment, so their objectives and interventions should be influenced by what they want to accomplish. It is important that the treatment plan reflects the family but also reflects the social worker’s theory guiding their