The sound of alerts beeping at me from my comdev are what wake me up on Sunday morning. I check them with sleepy eyes, already knowing that they are telling me I have bills overdue. I sit up and stretch before changing into a pair of black jeans, a black tee shirt, and a red sweater. Grabbing my purse, and a hair tie, I make my way downstairs and slip on my boots. Uncle Lee is the only one awake at this time, and he glances at me as I make my way outside, shutting and locking the door behind me.
I walk out of our housing community, and begin the ten-minute walk to Quick Stop, my favorite convenience store around—mostly because they had things re-stocked quickly, the smaller shop closer to where I lived always was out of items I …show more content…
I continue to browse the contract and then realize that I’ve actually read it in detail when all I was expecting was to talk to Arnold. I put the holcom down and look to Arnold who has his eyes on the road around him.
“I don’t trust you Arnold, even with this contract,” I tell him. Arnold sighs and then reaches underneath his seat. He pulls out wads of hals and places them on top of the holcom in-between us. “This isn’t what I mean, I know you have the money. I just don’t trust that you will keep my best interests in mind.”
“Cut the shit and tell me what you mean?” He asks. My hands start to shake slightly before I confess how I truly feel.
“I don’t want to wind up dead in an alley is what I mean.”
“That’s not going to happen in a million years Teegan. It was never my intention to hurt you—unless you want me to.” Arnold then turns the key in his ignition and revs the engine. “What will it be?” he asks me, staring at me.
“I want this contract to be only two months instead of six,” I tell him making up my mind. “And I want to know how I can void the contract if I want …show more content…
It’s music to me ears each time I hear that confirmation. Here, take this, it’s yours now.” Arnold then hands over the two thousand hals and I place it in my purse. I then motion to open the door by Arnold places his hand on my shoulder. “You don’t work today.” Arnold then smiles, sensuality pouring from his fingertips into my body. Nolbo and Nolba could turn the most prudish people into the most wanton people, with their magic. I lean back in my seat and feel my cheeks start to warm. He then let’s go of my arm and puts both hands on the wheel and takes off down the road. I check the speed sensor and note that he is going at least 20 kilometers over the speed limit. We arrive in only twenty minutes at the same building where Melanie lives in District