Bad Hair Days Analysis

Improved Essays
During the interest inventory information was gathered about Nadia’s personality, what she likes to do, and what her favorite things are. While responding to some of the questions Nadia would pause to think about what she was going to say and use the term “um” and “stuff” a lot. Nadia’s favorite T.V. shows are Girl Meets World and Austin and Ally. She likes these shows because they exhibit friendship and the importance of being honest with them.) Nadia shows an interest in math and reading because they are fun and she thinks, “they help you become better at other things.” She wants to become a hiphop dancer when she is older and she loves dancing to the song Cold Water. She said, “My mom said go outside and play, but when I’m outside I get bored so I just dance.” Nadia shows that she is an artistic kind of person because she loves to draw and dance. Sometimes she likes to read for fun, but realistic fiction and scary are the kinds of books she is interested in. There are too many pictures in comic books and they are all about super heros, that’s what she doesn’t like them. Her favorite movie is Bad Hair Day because “it’s funny to see them run around and get ready for prom.” Overall, Nadia was straight forward when it came to answering the questions right away. She did not put much thought into what she was saying, I could tell she felt comfortable communicating with me. For a 5th grader Nadia was able to complete the 3rd grade examiner list at Independent. …show more content…
She had 19 automatic and 1 identified, so she recieved 100%. For both 4th and 5th grade Nadia got 15/20 which was Instructional. For 4th grade she received 13 automatic and 2 identified. The 5th grade list she got 11 automatic and 4 identified. Finally she received a Frustration level for 6th grade and got 8/20 automatic correct. On the words she missed Nadia would only look at the beginning of the words and not the end. For example she said troubled for the word terribly. For the 6th grade word list if Nadia new the word she responded automatic, if she didn’t she would try to sound out the words or say it was something else. For example she said position when it was supposed to be possession. During the wordle activity Nadia had to think for a while before beginning her word list. To get her started I said, “You can add dancer to your list because you love to dance.” After that she was able think of things she liked and was able to describe herself better.she misspelled spaghetti, national, and academy. Nadia used the following words to describe herself: math, dance, juice, spaghetti, dresses, outside, music, drawing, national dance academy, beach, and yellow. What is known about the child’s literacy knowledge During the interest inventory sometimes when Nadia answered questions she would add an /ed/ to the end of words when it wasn’t needed like “spended a week their.” Nadia shows an interest in math and reading, books that are realistic fiction and scary. She loves to dance in her free time, even when her mom tells her to go outside, especially to the

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