When observing how cultural groups come together as well as how they react with each other, two concepts can be used to understand how these groups will meld. These two concepts are assimilation and pluralism. While they are mostly contrary processes, they are not necessary exclusive to each other. These two process may occur at the same time within the same nations. Some groups may experience assimilation, while the other experience pluralism. Both process are were commonly seen in regards to different cultural groups that have joined the United States and some groups even found some members were assimilating while other were more focused on preserving their own culture.
Assimilation can be defined as a process …show more content…
Both of these theories argue that assimilation of minorities is both necessary and inevitable if they are to integrate into the larger society. The thought of necessary assimilation become a powerful theme within United States history and as such slowed support for pluralism. It has only been in recent decades that pluralism and ethnic diversity interest has increased and some groups now question whether assimilation is even desired. Where in the past, especially in the United States, minority groups wanted nothing more than to blind in with the crowd, cultural uniqueness is now more sought out and celebrated. This rising interest in pluralism can also be attributed to the undeniable increase in the diversity of the United States society. This increase has also lead many American to believe that the nations unity as at risk as it becomes more …show more content…
Both theories also use Gordon’s stages of Assimilation with respects to how the groups have integrated into the new society. While assimilation follows Gordon’s stages exactly as they are listed to achieve assimilation, Pluralism uses parts of these same steps to determine what time of pluralism has occurred. It is also important for both groups to have acculturation, although what groups must go through this process is dependent on the what theory prevails. In assimilation, specifically in “Americanization”, it is not very important for the dominate group to learn the values and culture of the of the minority groups, and this is often the case. Contrarily, Pluralism seems much more dependent on all groups involved knowing a least some of what makes the other cultures what they are, if they are to coexist