Assertiveness – adjective – confident in behavior or style. (“Dictionary and Thesaurus | Merriam-Webster,” n.d.) An example of assertiveness in the …show more content…
(“Dictionary and Thesaurus | Merriam-Webster,” n.d.) "Persuading involves presenting someone with the best course of action and outlining the reasons for that choice," (Sommers, 2014). Such as, persuading your supervisor to act on a project that you proposed, persuading a subordinate of a different approach to a problem, or persuading a customer to buy the product your company sells. Learning the Art of Persuasion is an interesting article with good tips for mastering this necessary skill. It can be found at
Interviewing – noun – (1) a formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications (as of a prospective student or employee. (“Dictionary and Thesaurus | Merriam-Webster,” n.d.) Interviewing job applicants is a vastly important skill to master for anyone trying to get into a management position. To learn more about preparing and conducting an interview, go to