Teresa Allen
Western International University
Abnormal Psychology
Mollie Surgine
December 11, 2017 Psychological Abnormal Models
This paper is based on the different psychological models and, how the trends have developed over the course of time regarding therapy and treatments. Until recently clinical scientist over time, tended to agree on a single model of abnormality (Comer, 2016). In addition, today there are several models that are used to explain the treatments and therapy of abnormal functioning. The biological approach to abnormality attempts to point out problems in the human brain. Biological researchers have learned that psychological disorders can be linked to problems in the transmission of messages from the neurons in the brain. Theoretical research introduces the process of human functioning in the attempt to explain abnormalities in behavior (Comer, 2016). From a medical perspective the different biological treatments used today are; (Drug therapy) which is the use of antidepressant’s and mood stabilizers. Secondly, (Electroconvulsive therapy) known as shock therapy and Psychosurgery, that consists of brain surgeries for mental disorders. Medications used for biological disorder are (Psychotropic drugs) that are administered to patients and clients to help combat against the effects of emotional stress and the thought process. In addition, there are five primary psychotropic drugs used in therapy; Anxiety drugs, minor tranquilizers, Anxiolytics, Antidepressant’s and Antipsychotic drugs which in accordance to mood stabilizers and other medications used to treat mental disorders. The psychodynamic model This approach is based on the theory of individual behavior that is considered to be abnormal, in which research believes is caused by underlying causes related the psychological aspects. Based on this approach psychological behavior and conflict are at the root of many psychological disorders. The psychodynamic model and its approach is one of the oldest and most famous of all psychological models. In history this approach and therapeutic methods was first formulated by renowned theorist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) at the beginning of the twentieth century. According to this psychodynamic approach most theorists guide their therapy in regards to the patients and discovering underlying problems. Psychodynamic theories Free association, which is the technique in which the patient describes any thoughts or feelings, or whatever comes to mind, this is a process that the therapist hopes the patient will reveal uncured events. Therapist interpretation This process refers to listening to the client as he or she communicates while looking for clues resulting in a conclusion. Dream analysis This process relates to the therapist attempting to translate manifestations into latent content (Comer, 2016). …show more content…
Current trends
Over time, new research and theorist have given rise to new developments in the trends of psychodynamic therapy. According to (Cabaniss, Cherry & Douglas 2011) it’s suggested that the trends of psychodynamic therapy has been directed towards the focus on making approaches to therapy and treatments effective in regards to affordability for both patients and clients.
Short term therapy This occurs when the therapist and patient focuses on the current problems throughout the sessions and treatments, while working only on the psychodynamic problems related to the abnormality. …show more content…
Rational Psychoanalytic Therapy
This is an approach to therapy where the therapists disclose some individual information about his or her self upon establishing a therapist client relationship on an equal basis. Over time, therapist has fostered the understanding that abnormal functioning may be based on the process as functioning normally. In many cases the patient’s behavior outside of therapy that might suggest an effect that is not directly universalized (Cabaniss, Cherry & Douglas 2011).
The history of Abnormality approach to Treatments linked to Behavior
This approach concentrates on the current behavior of individuals (Comer, 2016). Theorist believes that abnormal behavior can be learned because of the lack of skills regarding one’s environment. One of the early techniques relate to the behavior model is the technique used as “trephining” which is an ancient process which a solid instrument was used in the attempt to solve abnormalities in the brain that was said to cause psychological problems in patients. Other historian’s believed this early process was performed as a treatment for several abnormal behaviors and, hallucinations in which patients experienced hearing voices and seeing things that didn’t exist. Those who suffered extreme sadness, which now is known as depression, were those going under such procedures. The Cognitive Model According