It’s sixth grade art class and the smells of Elmer’s Glue and Middle School flutter through the air. Concentration distorts a child's face as he admires his attempted masterpiece. Will his mother find it pleasing enough to earn it a place on the fridge? He put his everything into this piece and no matter the original distaste, he will be proud of what he’s done. Some parents know this reality while others have never been blessed with the handmade artwork of their kids. Sadly, the funding for some Arts Education programs is being cut, and there are children who cannot experience the joys of making a piece of themselves through pencil and paper. We must preserve this precious aspect of our childhood for all further …show more content…
The most expensive of which may be due to our decision to start to cut funding from many of our vital Arts Education Programs. Our lovely President, Donald Trump has opted to start working on a diminished budget, which has done nothing to help the absolute chaos unfolding in the arts departments of many schools. Our students have been removed from the subject so thoroughly that they cannot even be ranked equally amongst similarly ranked schools across the globe. For them it seems that it’s yet again another statistic that the US cannot meet the standards for. The common knowledge of subjects such music has become staggeringly low in the past few decades. In a nationally administered assessment, students scored an average of 147 in music and 149 in visual arts on a scale to 300. The score was embarrassingly low and the US continues to be disgraceful in it’s Arts Programs. Yet, what can be …show more content…
What is more valuable to our nation, pinching a few pennies, or the well being of our students? The Arts Programs are a necessity to some students and personally, I couldn’t handle a world where students would never find themselves in the comfort of an art room. The benefits of having Art Programs are undisputed and proven. There are many inspiring stories which tell of students overcoming nearly completely lopsided odds just through the power of art or music. There is hard evidence to support that schooling in art or music can have a positive impact on anything from brain development and test scores to study habits and a child’s interest in school. Many inspiring stories have to come to light recently with the near installment of Trump’s budget cuts, and they all tell of the students left without hope for school or a future living in the slums and surviving off welfare making a comeback because of a certain teacher or program, the latter of which mainly being an arts program. Music can bring joy and happiness back into the lives off proclaimed nobodies, and the visual arts can guarantee a new and healthier lifestyle in which the student finally has the willpower to achieve anything they want in favor a stable future. Art has the ability to do such wonders, it can be the soul determining factor that saves a child’s life but physically and mentally. So what can