Juliet is Butlers sister. She is not that smart but he played a role in the story. When she was guarding Holly and took off her protective glasses that made it so faires can’t use their mind control powers on the wearer. They had the effect of sunglasses so when Holly escaped and destroyed the lights Juliet took of them to see better than got mind control the author did not really explane what she looked like that well, so i pic her as a 16 year old with two big blond pigtails(The dumb blond) …show more content…
He will do whatever Artmess says without question. For example, when they go hunting for fairys at 12:00 on the list of things to get he put sunglasses on the list and Buttler does not even ask. Hi is trained in various skills like but not limedit to JuJitsu and Cooking he has been trained since his childhood. He is like the modern ninja. He is very stealthy but can use brute force as a viable methad too. He is the bodygard and protects Artemis from danger thoughout the book and protects his sister