First of all, planned parenthood is more than just an abortion clinic. Here are the facts: 38% of services done by the organization is STD testing and treatment for all genders not just women, 34% is Birth control, that thing that we use to prevent unintended pregnancies,15% is Cancer screenings and prevention, 9% is General women’s health and prenatal services, 3% is Abortion and the last 1% is other health services including adoption referrals and family practice services (JOHNSON). Basically, over 90% of what planned parent does has nothing to do with abortion, just imagine what it would look like if the U.S. Defunded Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable healthcare for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education. …show more content…
Over 2.5 million women and men depend on planned parenthood for free birth control, free STD and HIV testing, and legal abortions. If this generous institution is shut down all these people they will be left destitute and unable to afford to take care of themselves. This would not just affect women, it affects men and people of all ages, and it's their right to have these necessities Additionally Planned parenthood assists in the medical research of genetically related diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, ALS, and Parkinson’s from stem cell tissue provided by hospitals and clinics. The goal of this is the conquer and cure the diseases and pains of all people. All faiths and religions find common ground in the crucial idea of relieving suffering in the world. The stunning new technology, embryonic stem cell research, is being advanced to fully realize that idea. The staggering consensus of scientific and medical research supports the critical and uncompromising effort to forward the field of embryonic stem cell research, which requires the assistance of planned parenthood. Some make claims that planned parent harvests fetus organs and sells them on the black market. …show more content…
These absolutely ridiculous claims come from a documentary created by David Daleiden.”David Daleiden was determined to show what an aborted fetus, looked like. The problem he ran into was he didn't have the means to get that picture. So just like anyone else would he went to the Internet, found something similar and crammed it into his documentary. His video disastrously failed to mention that the info and the story did not match. In fact in an interview in Southern California earlier this month, Daleiden now admits he has no information on where the video was actually taken. There is no evidence it was taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic”, according to CNN, politics news (Griffin and Fitzpatrick). Another false