A. In petty arguments weight, regardless of being skinny or fat weight is said to provoke.
B. Most people who are bigger are aware of it, other factors including health, genetics, and what we consume are key factors in this. I am aware that some people are overweight and that isn’t 100% okay. However, the way you handle things are important.
C. “People who are overweight don't want unsolicited advice. Guess what? We know we're fat. We live in homes with mirrors.”- Al Roker
First main point (strongest)
A. It is awkward to have a conversation about someone’s weight, but it is necessary.
1. Realize your loved one could be insecure about their weight already.
2. Be patient, make it about a concern of health and realize that if brought up in a wrong way could be just as damaging. B. Do 1. Use specific examples like, “I’m worried about your blood pressure.” Or “I don’t want your health to suffer.” This shows you’re concerned without bringing diets or food consumption into the matter. 2. Even if they contribute to it look beyond that and state that you just want them to be as happy and healthy as they can be. Recognize even if you think you may 100% know what is going on not to make assumptions, unseen factors could be at play such as thyroid levels, eating disorders, or depression. C. Don’t 1. Don’t use shame, “You have gotten bigger since the last time I saw you.” or “You keep gaining weight.” This can lead to the person being defensive and while they make cut back on consumption in your company, the long-term problem still exists. 2. The person is already judging their selves, don’t add to that. Don’t offer helpful weight loss tips or exercises unless asked for, try to focus on the overall health and if the person says it’s a recurring issue then ask if they have ever seen an endocrinologist or spoken to their doctor about it, that you understand everyone is different, but just want them to be as healthy and happy as they can be. Second main point (second strongest) A. Media plays a huge part in people’s life 1. …show more content…
Ashley Madison Advertisement
1. Features a larger and smaller woman both in lingerie with choice boxes by them. The smaller having a check and the bigger having a x symbol. The title text says, “We call it as we see it.” at the bottom of the ad it says, “Life is Short. Have an Affair.”
2. This advertisement shows how the media shames people, it condones having an affair just because the wife is bigger.
C. PETA Advertisement
1. Features a larger woman in a bikini looking towards the beach. The title text featured in the advertisement says, “Save the Whales” and underneath it says, “lose the blubber: go vegetarian.”
2. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), obesity isn’t healthy, however this shame and could cause people to internalize hatred towards their body. If we are going to shame people for unhealthy habits then we would have to shame alcoholics, smokers, and ourselves.
Third main point (weakest)
A. My experience
1. My grandparents started me on diet pills and waist trainers, unable to lose weight and with a hatred for myself I starved myself.
2. I lost down to 110, 80 lbs. from my original weight and received compliments despite being just as unhealthy as someone with obesity.
B. Words can often be damaging without