The freedom of man is one of the most controversial and most debated-upon issue in philosophy throughout the many years of existence of societies. The fact that the man is said to be endowed with will and intellect did not prevent philosophers to question the very freedom of choice among men. Indeed, after sitting aloft the clouds of humanistic pride, first aligning himself not only with the angels, but with God Himself, he has reduced himself to a creature of chance, nay, an organism that has not determination and will. Wherefore, later philosophers, stripping man of his divinity, stripped himself even of his humanity and questioned his own freedom of choice. In fact, according to Spinoza, freedom of man can be analogous to a falling leaf, whereby the leaf may sway from left to right, thinking that it is free in doing so. In reality, the wind that blow against it and the gravity that pulls it down, prevents and contention that the leaf that falls to the ground is actually free. Wherefore, Spinoza and other philosophers questioned the belief, indeed the very principle of freedom of the will as was already widely accepted ever since the time of the ancients, dating back before Plato and Aristotle. Now the question whether man is fully free is now being resurrected in modern society, especially in terms of society’s inability to educate people. If man is not educated, is he therefore truly free, and able to pass judgment - and rightful judgment, that is, with informed choice. For many thinkers, a choice that is not informed is not absolutely free. Aquinas and his moral theology even talked about how an act may be constituted to be truly a human act. Further, people wallowing in their mire of utter poverty may not be considered …show more content…
This will be an issue in management when we talk about freedom of the employees for example to pursue their own career paths and their own means to innovate. In fact, one colleague of mine mentioned, schools or companies for that matter ought to finance innovative projects of their employees even though they are not sure whether their projects will succeed, that is financially. In so doing, he is trying to eco what Thomas Edison once said in discovering the light bulb, Edison mentioned that actually I did not discover how will a light bulb will work, what I did discovered is 9,999 ways of not making a light bulb. SO in analysis of what Edison said and really all the scientist who made scientific discoveries and quantum leaps scientific researches and innovations is that company is ought to fund projects using research and development that may or may not be fully functional, but since budget is usually constrained then innovation itself is somehow imprisoned and is never free. SO in place, in this case, are not actually free in pursuing whatever projects or innovations they really would want to pursue. And this is because of the many constraints of culture, acceptance and financial support. Finally this author thinks that in order to be actually free, in order for man to be *** with actuations to make their actions truly human then they must be given enough support and support to pursue their own innovations and career paths. Indeed, to allow them to commits mistakes if they may, in order to pursue the projects that they deemed financially viable and therefore