The act of cheating is nothing new. Think about it. Most individuals, whether he admits it or not, have committed some type of cheating at least once in his lifetime. The first …show more content…
Journalist Mollie Goodfellow consults Sam Owens, a relationship expert, what these reasons are. Owens points out the following among several others: couples lost appreciation for one another, a kind of distraction from their current relationship and what is important, and lack of day-to-day emotional and physical intimacy (Goodfellow). Although, these reasons may seem understandable, maybe even legitimate at first glance, they are nothing more than forms of excuses. Some may claim “It just happened,” “I couldn’t help but-,” “It won’t happen again,” and so on. Whatever the excuse, it does not change the fact that dishonesty and unfaithfulness was committed. When unfaithfulness is being done, there might be a feeling of instant gratification; yet this feeling cannot be compared with the consequence after, especially when the trust has been …show more content…
The person who have been cheated on will see herself as the victim, while the person who did the cheating will see himself as the cheater, and vice versa. Undeniably, what suffers most in this situation is the relationship that was formed between the people involved as it was easily destroyed by “one mistake.” So, what now? The aftermath, certainly, is not pretty. Relationship expert Robert Weiss states, “Cheaters who truly want to save their primary relationship will opt for rigorous honesty and the restoration of relationship trust.” He further explains that “trust is regained through consistent and sometimes emotionally painful truth-telling and accountability” (Weiss). Once trust is shattered, it is difficult to earn in back, and when it has been earned again, it will never be same kind of trust. Most people already have a difficult time giving their trust to another, what more when the other party has done the individual offense. To cheat mean sacrificing one’s relationship with another, and it is not worth