sativa, is a plant cultivated for its flowering tops and leaves. Also called hemp, it is a sourceof rope, fibers, birdseed, and medicinal products. In fact, the Philippines once provided the US withrope from this plant before the Japanese cut the supply line. In the year of 1937, however, marijuana was banned as the people misused it. When people hear the word marijuana, they think of drugs, addicts, and ruined lives.However, marijuana has its buried good side. Marijuana has long been used to treat a number of sicknesses affiliated with pain. Most of these diseases are those that either make people suffer ormake them terminally ill. Examples are glaucoma, arthritis, and cancer. Aside from medical benefits,the plant is also shrouded by psychological myths. Marijuana is not highly addictive, unlike what thepopular belief says. Marijuana users do not come from the hardened criminal class and there is no direct relationship between the committed crimes and marijuana use. …show more content…
Similarly, marijuana does notalter the basic structure of an individual’s personality (Solomon, 1966).Marijuana can be used as a medical drug. Its medicinal benefits far outweigh the risks. Stone(2011) states that cannabis can treat diseases like glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and nausea.Even in cancer therapy, where the health of the patient is critical, marijuana is used as a therapy forthe disease’s symptoms. In glaucoma, numerous studies involving the use of marijuana lowered theintraocular pressure, treating the ailment. Any administration method, except direct application tothe eyes, produced positive results. Similarly, the drug can treat rheumatoid arthritis. This conditionarises when a person’s immune system attacks the tissues in their own joints. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) concluded that cannabis actually relieved pain and reduced the symptoms. Moreimportantly, ASA states that marijuana has fewer and less dangerous side effects, as compared toprescription painkillers.Indeed, modern research suggests that marijuana could still be used for the treatment of even more treatments and a wider range of clinical innovations. These include pain relief, nausea,spasticity, movement disorders, appetite problems and perhaps even, certain kinds of malignanttumors. The medicinal characteristics of marijuana cause it to be neuroprotective or protects frompain due to nerve damage. As a matter of fact, over 60 U.S. and international health institutions andorganizations support the use of medicinal marijuana under a physician’s supervision (Unknown Author, 2011). Unlike most modes of treatment, marijuana has more mechanisms of action. To start with,cannabis can be administered in different methods. Most people think marijuana can be taken only through inhalation. This method, though quite common, is dangerous as it may cause lung andthroat cancer from the smoke. Today, science has opened newer ways for people to take medicalmarijuana. Oral methods are applicable. Without the danger of harming our lungs, the physician may administer the cannabis orally or by mouth. This method,